Privacy Policy

 Your mobile app (iOS, Android, Windows, BlackBerry) must have a Privacy Policy if the app collects personal data from users.

You'll need the Privacy Policy even if you do not collect this kind of data yourself but instead use third-party tools (such as Google Analytics Mobile, Flurry) that will collect this data for you.

Personal data is any kind of data that could identify an individual:

  • Email address
  • Device ID
  • First and last name
  • Billing or shipping information
  • And so on

Requirements for mobile apps

A Privacy Policy is required by law in most countries:

  • CalOPPA law in the US
  • Privacy Act of 1988 in Australia
  • Data Protection Act in the UK
  • PIPEDA in Canada
  • PDPA in Singapore and Malaysia
  • And many others

Privacy Policy for Android apps

The law also requires you to have a Privacy Policy for your Android app. It's not just iOS.

Requirements from Google Play Store

Logo of Google Play Store

According to its Help pages, Google Play isn't making it a requirement to have a Privacy Policy for your Android app or game. Note the "may submit" word in the paragraph below:

As an Android developer, you may submit a privacy policy for each of your apps. When users browse your app in Google Play, they will be able to review the privacy policy before downloading your app.

But the Google Play Developer distribution agreement of Google - which must be read and agreed to when you sign-up up for a Google Play account - informs you that you're required to have "privacy procedures and notices in place".

A "Privacy notice" is a Privacy Policy agreement.

You agree that if you use the Store to distribute Products, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of users. If the users provide you with, or your Product accesses or uses, user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your Product, and you must provide a legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users.
